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When it comes to keeping your home in top shape, don’t forget about your plumbing system’s behind-the-scenes heroes: the drains. These hardworking components quietly whisk away wastewater and keep your living spaces clean. But neglecting their care can lead to a host of plumbing issues, from stubborn clogs to unpleasant odors. Check out this quick guide from Springboro Plumbing & Drain to learn why showing some love to your drains is vital, get practical tips, and ensure a healthy and efficient plumbing system. 


When you’re in the kitchen, it’s important to be mindful. Don’t pour grease or oil down the sink because they can harden and cause tough clogs. Instead, put the grease in a container and throw it in the trash. Also, remember to run cold water while using the garbage disposal to help break down food and keep things running smoothly. 


Knowing the ins and outs of your plumbing system is super important. Drains are like the highway for wastewater, so it’s smart to take preventive measures to avoid any problems. When it comes to preventing clogs, having a hair defense plan is key. So, use drain screens in your showers or bathrooms to catch hair, and make sure to clean out any collected gunk regularly to keep things flowing smoothly.  


Contrary to what many people think, those chemical drain cleaners you buy at the store can actually harm your pipes. In fact, because of the corrosive nature of the chemicals they contain, they can even eat away at your pipes, which can end up costing you a lot more in the long run. If you use them for a long time or in older pipes, it may weaken, make them brittle, or even create holes in the pipe. So, it’s definitely not a great idea! 


Regular professional drain cleanings are also super helpful in preventing clogs and backups. They make sure your pipes have optimal drainage and water flow so water and waste can be efficiently removed from your home. This way, you can avoid dealing with slow drains and backups. Plus, by catching any potential issues early on, you can save yourself from unexpected and expensive repairs. 

When it comes to taking care of your home, don’t forget to show some love to your drains! These simple practices, when incorporated into your routine, keep your plumbing system in great shape, ensuring a healthy and efficient home. Remember, a little love for your drains goes a long way in maintaining the harmony of your plumbing symphony. So, let’s keep those drains happy and healthy! 

Call Springboro Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 912-1338, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!